Our Message
Angels are real!
You can meet some of them in this book!
Angels are in every culture and religion on planet earth.
This book on angels is a beautiful collection of world-famous angel paintings, an inspiration for adults, and an educational tool to teach children their alphabet, recorded and documented appearances of angels, and a kiss of how the Founding Fathers established the United States of America under the Heavenly Guidance of Almighty God and with the help of His angels.
Written for children, this delightful and substantive book will delight all age groups and those who love angels or wish to meet them.

Archangel Michael Slays the Devil by Reni (1575 –1642)

Archangel Raphael (Heals)
Archangel Gabriel (Communicates)

Archangel Gabriel by Tiffany

Actual documented photograph of an angel
Xitung, Egypt
Our Message
Angels are Real!
They come from Heaven to help us below.
Call to the Angels! They will always come!
“Be ye not forgetful to entertain strangers;
For thereby some have entertained Angels unawares.”
Hebrews 12:3

Our Story
Anne Mason Taylor, author, had her first experience with angels at the age of four when Archangel Michael made his protective presence known to her. Throughout her life, she has loved God’s Holy Angels.
In 2013, Anne clinically died from massive heart failure. Three of her four arteries were more than 95% blocked. She saw Heaven and heard the voice of God emphatically command she “must go back”.
She saw in Heaven “angels and the spirits of those who, while on earth, Love God and work with His Holy and good angels. They often come to earth to protect, rescue, serve, and guide us.”
After 35 years of intensive study and research, and because of the overwhelming evidence of these powerful Heavenly beings throughout the history of mankind, we have gathered for children and adults this delightful collection of alphabet lessons, Renaissance paintings of angels, original poetry, and internationally documented teachings of angels in Angels and Archangels for Children and Those Who Love Them.

Highlighted Alphabet Angels

They fly through the sky,
They bring me God’s love,
And are always nearby.
They kiss me awake.
I’m secure in their strong arms of love
For my sake.

And the strength that it brings.
When I focus on angels,
I feel I have wings.

They fly through the sky,
They bring me God’s love,
And are always nearby.

They kiss me awake.
I’m secure in their strong arms of love
For my sake.

And the strength that it brings.
When I focus on angels
I feel I have wings.