
Since the creation of mankind, good and loving angels of God have come to rescue, to heal, to guide and to protect the sons and daughters of God so we could fulfill the Will of God in our lives.
God created good angels before He created mankind so the angels would be here to help us when we call. Angels have been with us from the beginning and will be with us “until the end of the world.”
Many thousands of years ago, early man painted angel images on the walls of caves. For example, in the caves of Altamira in Northern Spain, angelic beings are etched on the walls. World-famous artist Pablo Picasso, who studied the cave drawings exclaimed, “after (visiting) Altamira, all else is decadence (inferior)”.
In July, 1917, The Blessed Mother Mary appeared to three shepherd children in fields outside Fatima, Portugal. She showed them World War I, the future World War II, and more. In 1930, after intense and thorough investigations, the Catholic Church officially accepted and ratified the children’s experiences were true and believable.
In 1981, Mary appeared to five teenagers and a nine-year-old boy in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ivan Dragicevic, to whom she has also come every day since. He describes the Blessed Mother, “She is love. Pure love.”
In December, 1996, many who had attended St. Joseph’s Church in Emmitsburg, Maryland, walked outside and “saw the Blessed Mother Mary in white light radiance on the rooftop blessing all those below.”
“And now these three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. And the Greatest of These is Love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13).